The Minnesota Oral Health Directory is a tool designed to assist in your search of dental clinics that accept public insurance and no insurance. Search for clinics by region or zip code at the top of the page. Click on the maps on each page to enlarge the map and view all clinics located in your region.

We do our best to keep this list as accurate and up-to-date as possible, but please note the directory is not updated on a daily basis. If you have information that differs from what we have in the Directory, let us know and we will make the changes. We work hard to make sure the information we provide to you is as useful as possible!

*Clinics on this website may be not be taking new clients or may have waiting lists at the time you contact them. We do not have the technology or process to update the directory in real time. We are consistently accepting feedback about the clinics and committed to providing a site that is beneficial to our communities.